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GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Not Linked to Post-Op Respiratory Complications

1 hour ago

A retrospective challenges preoperative withholding of GLP-1 RAs in diabetes patients undergoing surgery, citing no increased risk of postoperative respiratory complications.

Audrey Chun, MD: Recommendations on Statins, Connecting Dementia to Hearing Loss

1 hour ago

Chun spoke in this interview segment about more recommendations for internal medicine physicians to give older adults related to aging, dementia, and statin use.

Antihypertensive Medication Linked to Fracture Risk Among Older Adults

2 hours ago

The fracture risk is greater for nursing home residents with dementia, greater baseline blood pressure values, and no recent antihypertensive medication use, a new study found.

Caren Solomon, MD, MPH: How The Health Care System Can Combat Climate Change

3 hours ago

Solomon discusses the health care system’s role in mitigating climate change and how health care professionals can help protect and inform their patients.

Abatacept Treatment May Slow Atherosclerosis Progression

14 hours ago

Patients receiving abatacept experienced smaller increases in mean IMT, max IMT, and plaque score compared with the csDMARD cohorts.
