The APAC Recap is a new multimedia series created through a partnership between APAC and HCPLive where members of the Academy of Physician Associates have peer-to-peer discussions centered around recent scientific congresses and meetings.
Introducing the APAC Recap!
A collaborative effort between HCPLive and the Academy of Physician Associates in Cardiology (APAC), this multimedia series was born from 1 simple goal: Improving care through shared insights from medical meetings.
Each episode will feature a discussion surrounding key takeaways and practice-altering updates from recent medical meetings APAC members have attended. In this introductory episode, Viet Le, DMSc, PA-C, a preventive cardiology PA at Intermountain Health and former president of APAC, sits down with Erin Pardee, PA-C, a board member with APAC, for a brief back-and-forth about the series and what audiences could expect in the future.
Can't wait for more? Check back on September 16 for our first official episode, where Le breaks down his experience at the American Society of Preventive Cardiology (ASPC) 2024 annual meeting and the importance of measuring lipoprotein(a) for stratifying cardiovascular risk as well as other clinical pearls.
All episodes of The APAC Recap will be available on HCPLive.com and on our YouTube channel.
Are you an APP interested in learning more about cardiology? Click the image below for more information on CAPP Live 2024!
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