
Clinical Quiz: AAD Guideline Updates for the Management of Acne

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The AAD's Acne Management Guidelines include updates to the recommendations for treating acne and aims to assist clinicians and patients in making informed decisions on acne management. Test your knowledge with this quiz.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) provided 18 new evidence-based recommendations and 5 practice statements for the mangement of acne vulgaris in their updated guidelines, with recommendations on various topicals, oral isotretinoin's use for severe acne treatment, and the combination of topical therapies with different mechanisms of action.

The new guideline updates were formed to assist clinicians and patients in the making of informed decisions for patients' skin health, allowing for greater support in managing the most prevalent skin condition among Americans.

Test your knowledge of the recent acne treatment guideline updates with this quiz:

What is a strong recommendation for managing acne vulgaris according to the updated guidelines?
