
Rheumatology Network's Month in Review: December 2022

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Take 5 minutes to catch up on Rheumatology Network's top articles from December 2022.

Gout Linked to Higher Risk of Developing Osteoporosis

Results indicated that the incidence of osteoporosis increased up to 4 times in younger male patients with gout when compared with those without gout.

Metabolic Syndrome Identified Among Risk Factors for Early Onset Gout in Men

The incidence of gout, the most common type of inflammatory arthritis in men, has increased globally in recent decades.

Self-Advocacy Platform Allows Patients with Autoimmune Diseases to Discover Triggers, Improve Disease Management

Mymee, a self-advocacy platform, utilizes technological innovation, such as self-tracking, data analytics, and expert health coaching, to improve access and offer hope to these patients by uncovering their unique triggers, managing disease flares, and improving quality of life.

Addition of TNFi, Triple Therapy Improved Vascular Inflammation in Patients with RA

Although previous studies have indicated differential effects on cardiovascular risk between immunomodulators, results showed similar reductions across both treatment groups.

Can a Peer Education Program Improve Patient Engagement and Health Equity in Lupus Research?

Enrollment in clinical trials across all disease states, particularly in lupus, continues to be an ongoing challenge.
