July 28, 2021

On June 23, Manesh Patel, MD, Chief of Cardiology and Clinical Pharmacology, Duke University School of Medicine, led the HCPLive® State of the Science Event "Institutional Perspectives in Cardiology: Cardiovascular Risk Management."

Patel was joined by his colleagues at the Duke University School of Medicine, including Schuyler Jones, MD, Tracy Wang, MD, and Christopher Granger, MD, to discuss recent trials, identify risk, and treatment options in the cardiovascular risk management space.

The conversation surrounded the following topics:

  • CAD/PAD: Identifying Risk & Summary of Recent Clinical Trials
  • Extended Thromboprophylaxis: What Do We Know About Scoring, Risk and Contemporary Trials?
  • Atrial Fibrillation: What Have We Learned About NOACs in Special Populations?
  • Putting This All Together: Treatment Pyramid

Strategic Alliance Partnership | <b>Duke Heart</b>